Bücher Empfehlungen


Jazzliteratur bis 2015 (PDF)

Empfohlene Jazzliteratur bis 2015
Recommended Jazz Literature up to 2015

Unsere persönlichen Empfehlungen:

A Love Supreme:
John Coltranes legendäres Album
Ashley Kahn
Rogner & Bernhard
Berlin, 2004

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All that Jazz
Die Geschichte einer Musik
Michael Jacobs
Stuttgart, 2007

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American Jazz Heroes
Besuche bei 50 Jazz-Legenden
Ashley Kahn
Arne Reimer
jazz thing, 2013

Anthony Braxton.
Sein Leben, seine Musik, seine Schallplatten
Peter N. Wilson
Oreos Verlag, 1993

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Art Tatum
Eine Biographie
Mark Lehmstedt
Lehmstadt Verlag, 2009

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As Serious As Your Life
Valerie Wilmer
Quartet Books, 1977

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Attila Zoller, Sein Leben – Seine Zeit – Seine Musik
Mit einer Diskographie von Dr. Michael Frohne
Heinz Protzer
Selbstverlag des Autors, 2009

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Beneath the Underdog
Charles Mingus
Edition Nautilus Hamburg, 2003

Black Codes
Christian Bröcking
Verbrecher Verlag
Berlin, 2005

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Black Talk
Ben Sidran
Wolke Verlag, 1993

Blues People
Amiri Baraka
orange press
Freiburg, 2003

Buddy Bolden
and The Last Days on Storyville
Danny Barker
Continuum, 2000

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Buddy Boldens Blues
Michael Ondaatje
Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag
München, 1997

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Buddy Bolden Says
E.W. Russell
Candence Books, 2000

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But Beautiful. Ein Buch über Jazz
Geoff Dyer
Frankfurt, 2006

Clarinet Bird.
Rolf Kühn. Jazzgespräche
Maxi Sickert
Christian Broecking Verlag
Berlin, 2009

Das Jazzbuch
Joachim-Ernst Behrendt
Frankfurt, 2007

Der Marsalis-Faktor
Christian Bröcking
Oreos Verlag
Waakirchen, 1995

Die Jazzmusiker und ihre drei Wünsche
Pannonica de Koenigswarter
Stuttgart, 2007

Die Autobiographie
Miles Davis & Quincy Troupe
Heyne Verlag
München, 2000

The Afro-American Soul of American Classical Music
Amiri Baraka
University of California Press
Berkeley, 2009

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Ellington Uptown.
Duke Ellington, James P. Johnson, and the Birth of Cool Jazz
John Howland
University of Michigan Press
Ann Arbor, 2009

Fats Waller
Igort & Carlos Sampayo
Coconino Press
Bologna, 2009

Fats Waller on the Air.
Additions and Corrections
Stephen Taylor
Scarecrow Press
Lanham/MD 2006

Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz
Guerino Mazzola et al
Berlin, 2009

Freie Töne
Die Jazzszene in der DDR
Rainer Bratfisch
Ch. Links Verlag, 2005

Giant Steps
Jazz En 100 Figures
Guillaume Belhomme
Le Mot Et Le Reste
Marseille, 2009

From Harlem to Hollywood. My Life in Music
Van Alexander & Stephen Frattalone
BearManor Media
Albany/GA, 2009

Herbie Nichols.
A Jazzist’s Life
Mark Miller Mercury Press
Toronto, 2009

how they do it
Felix Klopotek
Ventil Verlag
Mainz, 2002

In Search of Buddy Bolden
Donald M. Marquis
Louisiana University Press

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Insights in Jazz. An Inside View of Jazz
Standard Chord Progressions
John A. Elliott
Jazzwise Publications
London, 2009

I put a spell on you
Nina Simone, Autobiographie.
Da Capo Press edition, 1993

Jade Visions.
The Life and Music of Scott LaFaro
Helene LaFaro-Fernández
University of North Texas Press
Denton/TX, 2009

Toni Morrison
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH
Reinbek, 1993

New York in the Roaring Twenties
Hans Jürgen Schaal, Robert Nippoldt
TASCHEN Verlag, 2013

Jazz in Köln
Robert von Zahn
Emons Verlag
Köln, 1997

Peter N. Wilson
Stuttgart, 2005

Jazz Zoom: Carryin’it on.
Desdemonde Bardin
DVC Press
Paris, 2004

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Jazz und seine Musiker im Roman
Alexander Ebert
Verlag Dr. Kovac, 2009

Jeder Ton eine Rettungsaktion
Christian Bröcking
Verbrecher Verlag

Wege improvisierter Musik
Verlag Neue Musik

Ornette Coleman.
Klang der Freiheit
Christian Broecking
Broecking Verlag, 201

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Louis Armstrong
Wolfgang Knauer
Reclam Verlag

Love Poems
Nikki Giovanni

Miles on Miles.
Interviews and Encounters with Miles Davis
Paul Maher Jr. & Michael K. Dorr
Lawrence Hill Books
Chicago, 2009

Geschichte der schwarzen Musik
George Nelson

Rat Race Blues:
The Musical Life of Gigi Gryce
Noal Cohen & Michael Fitzgerald
Berkeley Hills Books,U.S.

Reclams Jazzlexikon
Ekkehard Jost
Stuttgart, 2003

Christian Bröcking
Verbrecher Verlag
Berlin, 2004

The Wonderful World and Art of Louis Armstrong
Stephen Brower
New York, 2009

Some Liked It Hot.
Jazz Women in Film and Television, 1928-1959
Kristin A. McGee
Wesleyan University Press
Middletown/CT, 2009

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Somewhere in Advance of Nowhere
Jayne Cortez

Sonny Rollins
The Definitive Musical Guide
Peter Niklas Wilson
Berkeley Hills Books, 2001

So Far, So Good
Gil Scott-Heron

Spirits Rejoice!
Albert Ayler und seine Botschaft
Peter Niklas Wilson
Wolke Verlag
Hofheim, 1996

tell no lies, claim no easy victories
30 Jahre Konfrontationen Nickelsdorf
Philipp Schmickl, Hans Falb, Andrea Mutschlechner, Elvira Faltermeier, Mischa Guttmann
Impro 2000
Nickelsdorf , 2009

The Birth of Cool of Miles Davis and His Associates
Frank Tirro
Pendragon Press

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The Ghosts of Harlem
Sessions with Jazz Legends.
Photographs and Interviews Hank O’Neal
Vanderbilt University Press
Nashville, 2009

The Hearing Eye. Jazz & Blues
Influences in African American Visual Art
Graham Lock & David Murray
Oxford University Press
New York, 2009

The Year Everything Changed
Fred Kaplan
New Jersey 2009

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The Final Nite & Other Poems
Steve Dalachinsky
Ugly Duckling Presse

The Music and Life of Theodore “Fats”
Navarro Infatuation
Leif Bo Petersen & Theo Rehak
Scarecrow Press
Lanham/MD, 2009

The Return of Jazz.
Joachim-Ernst Berendt and West German cultural change
Andrew Wright Hurley
Berghahn Books
New York, 2009

The Velvet Lounge
Gerald Majer
Columbia University Press

The Year Before the Flood.
A Story of New Orleans
Ned Sublette
Lawrence Hill Books
Chicago, 2009

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Thriving on a Riff. Jazz & Blues
Influences in African American Literature and Film
Graham Lock & David Murray Oxford University Press
New York, 2009

Time and Anthony Braxton
Stuart Broomer
The Mercury Press
Toronto, 2009

Tonight at Noon
Sue Graham Mingus
Edition Nautilus

Visiting Jazz.
Quand les jazzmen américains ouvrent leur porte
Thierry Pérémarti
Le Mot et le Reste
Gémenos/France, 2009

Yeah Man!
Uwe Wiedenstried
TRANSIT Buchverlag
Berlin, 2005